Mark your calendars, there's a brand new holiday: Universal Day! On November 3, we're asking all Universal Life Church Ministries members in South Carolina to celebrate this exciting new holiday with us! You can observe this holiday in any number of ways. Read on for just a few of the ways you can participate in the festivities!
1. Become Ordained in South Carolina
If you're not ordained, you'll want to go ahead and do that! ULCM breaks down the barriers to ordination because we believe that anyone who feels the calling should be able to easily answer. Ordination is always free, only takes a few minutes, and can be done by clicking the button below!
2. Vote in South Carolina

The next step is voting! Doing your civic duty is one of the best ways to ensure that the powers that be know where you stand. This Universal Day, we hope that you'll be able to celebrate by casting your vote for a better future.
Some South Carolina residents are qualified to vote using an absentee ballot. These reasons range widely from being a member of the military, to funeral planning needs. While there is not a specific religious holiday exemption that can be used to allow you to receive an absentee ballot as you celebrate Universal Day, you may qualify under one of the other categories. Take a look at the applications linked below to determine whether or not you will be eligible to receive an absentee ballot, and make sure you complete and return the application promptly so it is processed in time! If you don't qualify to receive an absentee ballot, you will need to visit a physical polling place to cast your ballot. Please make every effort to do so safely!
Voter Registration Details
- In-person Registration Deadline: 10/4/2020
- Mail Registration Deadline: Postmarked 10/5/2020
- Online Registration Deadline: 10/4/2020
- Election-Day Registration: Not Allowed
Register to Vote
You can register to vote if you haven't already! Get on the rolls by clicking the button below so you can make your voice count.
Taking Time Off Work
Since you'll likely be voting in-person this Universal Day, it's important to abide by the safety guidelines that health groups have put forth. Both the CDC and your local health authority have listed numerous ways to stay safe while voting, so make sure to listen to them. Many employers provide accommodations for employees to go and cast their vote. Contact your employer's Human Resources department and ask what their policy is. If they're not giving you the freedom to vote, you can always tell them that you'll be observing Universal Day on November 3rd, and that you'll need a religious accommodation to participate. Voting is one of our most important responsibilities as citizens. Make sure to research everything on the ballot carefully, and proudly cast your vote for the future you'd like to see!
3. Write to Elected Officials
The work doesn't begin and end at the ballot box. Another way to celebrate Universal Day is to contact your elected leaders directly, whether that be writing them, emailing them, or giving them a call. They represent you, so it's important for them to know what you value! We've even gone ahead and done the legwork for you. Input your zip code below and you'll get the contact information for your local representatives!
4. Meditate or Pray
We've been talking a lot about making the world a better place. But we also need to talk about making you a better you. As we travel through the universe, it's important that we take the time to take care of ourselves. Whatever that looks like for you - prayer, meditation, private reflections, or something else - make sure you take some time this Universal Day to refocus and re-energize. With a clear mind, you'll likely find the energy and motivation to put thoughts into actions.
5. Help Build Community
We've told you some of the ways you can mark this Universal Day. Now it's your turn to take the next steps. Connect with other members of the ULCM who share your values or are in your local community, and by bringing your voices together you can enact further change in your communities and even the world.
Stay Connected
We would encourage you to contact other brave, like minded ULCM ministers like these (safely, of course) to come together and combine your voices and speak truth to power.